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Notice of Pregnancy Incentive

To be eligible for the Notice of Pregnancy (NOP) incentive, submit the NOP form through the Secure Provider Portal. Place your Tax ID Number (TIN) in the required field.

Notice of Pregnancy (NOP) 

Providers: It is important that you fill out a Notification of Pregnancy as soon as possible after confirming a member’s pregnancy. This enables us to provide any needed supports and services early in a member’s pregnancy to support our shared goal of healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Our Start Smart for Your Baby® program provides customized support and care for pregnant women and new moms. 


We'll also pay you!

Sunshine Health rewards providers with a $50 incentive for each NOP form submitted through our Secure Provider Portal within 30 days of a member’s first prenatal visit. Last year, providers missed out on $340,000 in bonus payments.

You must submit the NOP form through the Secure Provider Portal to be eligible for the incentive. Enter your TIN in the field labeled "TIN."

How to submit an NOP to qualify for the incentive

  1. Log in to the Secure Provider Portal.
  2. Locate the Notification of Pregnancy form under the Assessments tab.
  3. Complete all fields.
  4. Hit submit!

We must have an updated W-9 on file to ensure no disruptions in payment. This must be updated every 16 months. To update your W-9, visit Provider Demographic Updates.

Screenshot illustrating How to submit an NOP to qualify for the incentive


Must enter Tax ID for payment