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by Harvard Health Publishing.

How to bottle feed, burp and bathe your baby

As a mom, you’re becoming an expert at keeping your baby clean, well-fed and happy.  Here are some helpful tips to support you make you even better.

How to bottle feed your baby

Step 1

Warm up milk or formula to around 98 degrees. Never warm it in the microwave, where it can get too hot and burn your baby. The microwave also kills some good nutrients. Also, never put a bottle in boiling water on the stovetop.

Instead, fill a bowl with warm water. Place a sealed bottle or bag of breast milk in the bowl to warm it for a few minutes. You can also run it under hot water. Give the bottle or bag a swirl, and test some of the liquid on your wrist to make sure it's not too warm. If it feels warm to you, it's too warm for your baby.

Step 2

Hold your baby in a semi-upright position.

Step 3

To help keep your baby from sucking in air, hold the bottle at an angle so the bottom is up, but not straight up-and-down. The breast milk or formula should only come out when your baby is sucking on the bottle.

How to burp your baby

Option 1

Sit your baby on your lap so he is leaning forward slightly. Support your baby's head and chest with one arm while gently patting or rubbing his back.

Option 2

Lay your baby stomach-down across your lap, with her stomach on one of your legs and her head on your other leg. Her head should be turned sideways and should be slightly higher than her body. Support her head with your lap or your hand. Gently pat or rub her back.

Option 3

Hold your baby against you with his head resting on your shoulder. Support his bottom with one hand, and gently pat or rub his back.

How to bathe your baby

Give your baby a sponge bath until the umbilical cord falls off on its own, which usually occurs within two weeks after birth. Once the cord falls off, you can give your baby a tub bath. Ask your baby’s doctor how often you should bathe your baby. Most say somewhere between one and three days.

Be safe

Never leave your baby alone in any kind of water, including the bath. Have everything you need within arm’s reach, so you can keep a hand on your baby at all times! Using a baby bath or seat can help keep him safe and prevent slipping. Be sure to check the temperature to be sure it’s not too hot.

Be aware of your baby’s sensitive skin and eyes

Use mild soaps and shampoos that are don’t have fragrance. Talk to your doctor if you aren’t sure what to use. Try to avoid getting soap or shampoo in the eyes. Using a washcloth can help, both to block the eyes and also to wipe suds away.